
Phillip Y. Lee

M.S. Student
KAIST Graduate School of AI
phillip0701 (at) kaist.ac.kr

About Me

I am Phillip (Yuseung) Lee, an M.S. student at KAIST Graduate School of AI, advised by Prof. Minhyuk Sung. I received my B.S. degree in Computer Science at KAIST in Aug. 2023.

My research interests revolve around enabling AI to understand and generate the complex structure of the physical 3D world. In particular, my current research area includes, but is not limited to, 2D/3D Computer Vision, Multimodal Understanding, and Generative Models.

For details, refer to my Curriculum Vitae (CV).



  1. ECCV
    ReGround: Improving Textual and Spatial Grounding at No Cost
    Phillip Y. Lee, Minhyuk Sung
    ECCV 2024
    SyncDiffusion: Coherent Montage via Synchronized Joint Diffusions
    NeurIPS 2023


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